Indeed, money can be saved if you spend time getting into all the possibilities of online loans that you are likely to come to know daily when you read news or otherwise surf you through the dizzy of information, as the net is also. But can you distinguish between consumer loans, SMS loans, overdrafts and mortgage loans? If you'd like to know a little more about how to bother you when you encounter these offers, please read here. For now we tell you the truth about them.
The consumer loan is very popular
Whether you are looking for a new computer or the refrigerator is burned together, a consumer loan is a good solution when you need a loan to resolve an emergency crisis. The loan is rarely very large and it usually has to be paid out over 5 years. Both banks and finance companies offer consumer loans, but you must be aware of the large variation in total costs. On the page you can get customized offers on consumer loans from Danish banks sent straight to your inbox for free.
SMS loans are quite expensive
An SMS loan is a kviklån where you apply for the loan via your phone. It's easy and straightforward, but also means that you will pay more interest and fees than the case would be with a classic consumer loan. This should be seen in the light of the fact that the provider of the SMS loan is willing to provide the loan on the basis of a credit rating that is not particularly extensive. Therefore, the provider is also at greater risk.
The bank credit gives you elasticity in the economy
An overdraft facility is a kind of granted overdraft. For example, you may have a cash credit of 15,000 kroner, which means you must withdraw your account until it is 15,000 kroner in minus. You must, of course, pay the interest rates that occur when your account is in minus. But a bank credit is a sensible solution for most households, where it is necessary to spend money on larger and unexpected expenses.
Mortgage - when to buy a home
Mortgage is actually also a loan, although it falls slightly outside the category here. You raise a mortgage when you have to buy a home, and it differs in particular from the other loan types in that it has a very long maturity of typically 30 years. There are also a number of mortgage terms attached, which may help to adjust the price. If you are buying houses, you should use the power to investigate, among other things, the so-called refund rate.
Compare loans
Should you take up a loan of a certain size, we recommend that you use a comparison portal like Here you can make a loan application online, and within a short period of time, the offers will appear in your inbox. It's a simple solution that quickly and cleverly manages a complex market.
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